Youth Violence Prevention 预防青少年暴力
作者:世界和平联合会 发布时间:2023-08-21 访问量:1088


The gun homicide rate in the United States remains high, and the perpetrators are many young people. The high walls of the juvenile detention center are filled with batches of unrefined teenagers, who should stay in school and study, but they have become prisoners, aged between 8 and 21 years old, this is an incredible thing.

Teenagers are in an impetuous and confused stage, prone to impatience, mistakes, and crimes. Even if this kind of anxiety is not manifested in the student days, it is very likely to vent to society, such as the aimless shooting incidents on the street.

Most of the existing sports in the United States are intense, exciting, and aggressive. You can try some static exercises, such as Taijiquan. After we tried it in the juvenile prison, a young murderer burst into tears. She said she didn't know why she killed people and felt that Taijiquan could calm her violent psychology.

We need more and more mental health counselors teaching in schools and juvenile detention centers.

We need Tai Chi teachers to teach in more schools and juvenile prisons.









责任编辑:Nina Chen


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