He also stressed that in the most extreme cases, the parties to the conflict deliberatel
Date : 2022-10-13 Views : 1203

世界和平联合会主席新年致辞—— 陈晓红 2021年元旦






新年伊始,我在美国祝大家新年快乐! 祝愿世界和平!

Change the title: New Year's Address by the Chairman of the World Peace Federation——- Chen Xiaohong (2021 New Year's Day)

Hello everyone

New Year's Day 2021 is here. On behalf of the World Peace Federation, on behalf of the World Peace Federation, I would like to extend my sincere greetings and holiday wishes to all peace-loving people everywhere!

2020 is a very extraordinary year. All mankind faces the challenge of the new crown virus. This is an unprecedented challenge! People must realize that the new coronavirus is by no means sudden. The discovery of the new coronavirus is from different places in all directions and infiltrates the human body in different ways, including air, seafood, touching objects, etc., and then it is human to human contact infection. It could have been latent on the earth for a long time, mutating from a little poison into a virus. Don't ask where it came from, it is everywhere, but humans did not found it in time. Now comes the agenda of human lifestyles and attitudes towards the love of nature. This needs to be discussed by all mankind! How to prevent and control the epidemic is a huge challenge facing all mankind. It requires the joint efforts of governments, scientists, and people of all countries. As long as there is still an unsolved epidemic in one country or region, the virus may re-emerge and mutate again. Regardless of whether you agree with the destiny of mankind, a community has been formed early, not only in the new crown virus, but also in various fields such as culture, technology, and environmental protection. There is a Chinese saying: home and everything are prosperous! The world is a global village, and human beings are a big family. Only by jointly maintaining the ecological environment and promoting world peace and stability can the real sublimation of human civilization and progress!

2021 is a critical year for global solidarity and cooperation to "stop the epidemic" and find a cure". Let the epidemic end soon and let the economy recover quickly! History tells us that both wars and struggles hurt both sides. Only let us from now on, based on the humanity culture "people-oriented, peace-oriented" as the benchmark, follow the laws of nature, love peace, love the world, and love nature! The time and place are in harmony with the people, move the world with practical actions, and create the strongest and prosperous world ever!

The World Peace Federation has always adhered to the "people-oriented, peace-oriented" humanity culture dissemination, and in-depth study of human culture and the promotion of world peace and development are important topics and strategies.

At the beginning of the new year, I wish you all a happy new year in America! Wish for world peace!


责任编辑:Nina Chen


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