UN officials call for breaking the vicious circle of hunger and conflict
Date : 2022-10-13 Views : 1119

Griffith also pointed out that humanitarian aid workers would stay to carry out their work, but their working environment was sometimes unacceptable; In particular, the intervention, harassment and attacks of the conflicting parties make it difficult for the rescue to reach the people in need.

Griffith appealed to the Security Council that all parties should take action. First, they should spare no effort to seek a peaceful solution through consultation to deal with the conflict and other situations of violence; In addition, States and armed groups must comply with their obligations under international humanitarian law and human rights law and ensure that humanitarian relief is unimpeded.

Griffith continued to emphasize that climate change is the "core issue" of peace and security now and even in the coming decades. At present, people in South Sudan, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Yemen, Afghanistan and Somalia are already in the front line affected by climate change, so they are faced with the problems of drought, flood, desertification and water shortage.

Griffith urged all countries to give priority to more long-term coping methods and ensure that a considerable proportion of funds can be used in the form of contributions to adapt to and mitigate climate change.

WFP/Arete/Siegfried Modola is in Borno State, northeastern Nigeria. Internally displaced mothers take their children to participate in the WFP famine assessment.

On the same day, David Beasley, Executive Director of the World Food Programme, who also briefed the Security Council, said that during his just concluded trip to Central America, he personally felt how the conflict had "fuelled" the already serious hunger crisis. He also said that "we are facing a global emergency of unprecedented scale" under the threat of multiple famines that may break out in the world.

Bisley also pointed out that since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, "the wave of hunger has become a tsunami"; At present, 345 million people in 82 countries are in a serious state of food insecurity, a record number more than 2.5 times the number before the beginning of the COVID-19.

With the fierce conflict pushing millions of innocent civilians to the edge of hunger and famine, Bisley asked the Security Council to "show the humanitarian leadership that the world urgently needs", so as to break the vicious circle of hunger and conflict.

He warned that "this vicious circle is intensifying the global food insecurity crisis, which may be out of control."

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