World Peace Federation Branch October 15th is a holy day. In Seattle
Date : 2022-11-05 Views : 1119

October 15th is a holy day. In Seattle, where the autumn is cool and the maple leaves are red, we ushered in the official establishment of the World Peace Federation! Announcing the official departure!

On October 15, 2022, Western Time, at the unveiling ceremony of the World Peace Federation, the official launch of the "Research Institute for Human Civilization Development" and "World Peace Food and Agriculture Development 

Strategy Center" was officially announced. And won the "World Peace Federation Day" certificate officially awarded by the United States Greater Seattle Kingdo.

The World Peace Federation was registered in Washington State in January 2020, advocating peace, a non-profit public welfare organization.

The development of human civilization is the foundation of world peace, and the development of world food and agriculture is the foundation of world peace. The World Peace Federation aims to promote the U.S.-China friendship 

and international friendship to play a bridge role, to promote international cultural and artistic exchanges and economic and trade development in which science and technology serve the people.            

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