作者:世界和平联合会 发布时间:2024-02-08 访问量:296

75年前《防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约》和《世界人权宣言》的通过,以及《欧洲人权公约》等一系列国际条约的制定,确立了原则和原则 面对独裁和贫困时的平等、尊严和权利。 价值观。 这些公约及其所体现的原则和价值观必须始终得到维护。




这些冲突的根源是什么?我们应该客观地寻找原因,真正找到解决办法。 世界大部分地区都存在围绕领土边界的争端,一些当事方卷入其中,另一些则被迫卷入。 这是当今国际关系冲突的重要根源。

第二个很重要的原因是,有些地方比较落后,国内矛盾外溢,包括种族冲突、民族冲突、部落武装对抗、宗教纠纷等。 有关各方治理不当,导致原有的国内冲突蔓延为国家间冲突。冲突转移了国内的不满和不安。

第三大因素是第三国的干预。有关国家都知道,战争源于冲突升级,第三国和军事集团的介入“火上浇油”,加剧战争。 这导致不同制度、不同意识形态、不同军事联盟之间的接口冲突不断。 不介入、不选边站队的态度远比军事援助理性得多。不以武器装备助战,才是平息战争的最好办法。劝和劝说是对冲突双方极其负责的事情,挽救“双输”的后果,也是世界和平的最佳途径!

武器的作用是什么?一切没有战争的武器都只是一堆废铁,而战争中武器就必须用来杀人,他们才是杀人不眨眼的罪魁祸首! 战争双方的士兵已经从无怨无仇变成了仇敌,殊死搏斗。 分不清谁杀谁? 让年轻人还没来得及享受更好的生活就英年早逝,让无数家庭受苦一生。同时,让人类创造的美好事物瞬间毁灭,让人类文明因战争而倒退!

今天的人类仿佛走进了一个烂洞,分不清自己想要什么。什么是人权? 什么是自由?




The adoption of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 75 years ago, as well as the formulation of a series of international treaties such as the European Convention on Human Rights, established the principles and principles of equality and dignity in the face of dictatorship and poverty. and rights. values. These conventions and the principles and values they embody must always be upheld.

Current international conflicts:

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been tense since 2022, and despite repeated negotiations, the two sides have not reached a consensus and a ceasefire seems out of reach. Starting on October 7, 2023, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is still intensifying.

Today's conflicts between Russia and Ukraine, as well as between Palestine and Israel, have claimed countless lives. We cannot forget or repeat the same mistakes. We must respond proactively and without delay.

What are the sources of these conflicts? We should objectively look for the reasons and truly find solutions. Disputes over territorial boundaries exist in much of the world, with some parties involved and others forced into them. This is an important source of conflicts in today's international relations.

The second very important reason is that some places are relatively backward and domestic conflicts spill over, including ethnic conflicts, ethnic conflicts, tribal armed confrontations, religious disputes, etc. Improper governance by the parties involved has resulted in the original domestic conflicts spreading into inter-state conflicts. The conflict diverted domestic dissatisfaction and unrest.

The third major factor is the intervention of third countries. The countries concerned all know that the war stems from the escalation of the conflict, and the intervention of third countries and military groups "adds fuel to the fire" and intensifies the war. This has led to constant interface conflicts between different systems, different ideologies, and different military alliances. The attitude of non-intervention and non-choosing of sides is far more rational than military assistance. Not using weapons and equipment to aid the war is the best way to quell the war. Persuasion is an extremely responsible thing for both parties to the conflict. It is also the best way to save world peace from the consequences of a "lose-lose" situation!

What is the function of weapons? All weapons without war are just a piles of scrap metal, and in war, weapons must be used to kill people. They are the culprits who kill without blinking an eye! Soldiers on both sides of the war have turned from having no grudges to enemies, fighting to the death. Can't tell who killed whom? It causes young people to die young before they have time to enjoy a better life and causes countless families to suffer for a lifetime. At the same time, let the beautiful things created by mankind be destroyed in an instant, and let human civilization regress due to war!

Humanity today seems to have walked into a rotten hole and cannot tell what it wants. What are human rights? What is freedom?

Only when human beings develop to the level of civilization can they live in harmony, peace and joy. Everyone has the human right to enjoy the natural life process of life and death. In a legal society, everyone has the freedom to exercise human rights on the premise of respecting the rules. This is by no means a competition for the continuous upgrading of weapons and equipment technology, nor is it a competition for opportunities to earn war wealth through who loses and wins in the war. This is the wealth converted from each corpse. This is the greatest irony of human rights! Freedom does not mean the wanton killing of innocent poor people, women, and children. Otherwise, the world order of human rights, freedom, and equality will have been seriously lost.

The World Peace Federation calls for an end to all wars launched for so-called reasons. All wars are avoidable. The most important thing is to find a "peaceful" solution. All contradictions, conflicts, and wars are related to "discord." "Harmony" has an inseparable and important relationship with the world, countries, organizations, families, and individuals. "Harmony" and "peace", "harmony" refers to everything, and "peace" refers to tranquility. Only in harmony can there be peace. "Harmony" is the magic weapon for world peace and the meaning of human existence!


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   XIAOHONG CHEN


责任编辑:Nina Chen


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